We need to have a talk about phone numbers on our mobile sites. This is such a small change, but when left out, it causes a major inconvenience for your users.
I'm talking about when phone numbers on a website aren't tapable. Often the HTML is so that mobile operating systems cannot select the phone number alone and you are forced to remember/recite or write down the actual number.
So, when you put a phone number on a website, don't just use any old element, use a link with the tel
So, you links look like this:
<a href="tel:+14168342343">416-834-2343</a>
You can put whatever you want inside the link - just like normal links!
<a href="tel:+14168342343">Call me Maybe? <img src="hehe.gif"/></a>
This is better for your users, better for business owners and better for the site's SEO. Win-win-win.
That's all, please help me in spreading this best practice by sharing this article.
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