This November I have two development related talks coming up and I thought I would take a second to formally invite you!
The first is an all day workshop on WordPress development which is being done with the great folks at Ladies Learning Code. If you haven't heard yet, LLC is an awesome initiative started by a few Toronto ladies with the purpose of creating a comfortable environment where women can learn basic web development skills. I will be leading the upcoming WordPress workshop where I will take you from installing WordPress to making your very own theme. The workshop is on Saturday, November 26 and costs $40. The first round of tickets sold out in a heart beat, so be sure to sign up for the second round if you're interested!
The second is quick talk on HTML5 Canvas at the #devTo meetup. This event is held once a month and is open to anyone who is interested in chatting about development. I've been to the last few meetups and I've found them pretty awesome. There a good mix of designers, developers (of all languages) and industry folk which always allows for good conversation (the free pizza and beer aren't bad either!). I'll be doing a quick introduction to the HTML5 Canvas element, what it is, what we can do with it, how to work with it as well as showing a few examples of stuff I've done with it. Canvas really is one of the most exciting parts of HTML5 so I'm looking forward to sharing what I've done so far. This event is always super popular and has already sold out, so get on the wait list and cross your fingers!
Thats all for now, hope to see you at one of the upcoming events!
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