Announcing Learn Redux

Announcing Learn Redux


I'm super excited to announce my latest course Learn Redux.

Redux is a way to manage your state in your React (and other JavaScript) applications. I've had over 5,000 people take my React For Beginners and this is the answer to "What should I learn next?!".

It's 20 videos at just over 2.5 hours of content - easily doable in an afternoon. The videos are totally free and you can thank Sentry for sponsoring my time to create them.

Grab them at today!

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Hold on — I'm grabbin' the last one.

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@wesbos Instant Grams

Beginner JavaScript

Beginner JavaScript

A fun, exercise heavy approach to learning Modern JavaScript from scratch. This is a course for absolute beginners or anyone looking to brush up on their fundamentals. Start here if you are new to JS or programming in general!
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