Hey there - in an effort to promote a few of my projects, I got a whole bunch of stickers made! I've been handing them out like candy locally, but many have asked if I could mail you a few.
For $2, you will get a 5 sticker pack - that will help cover the cost of shipping and the PayPal Fees. Will ship anywhere in the world.
The stickers are:
Command Line Power User — my free video series on ZSH, Z + related tooling.
Sublime Text Power User Badge - my book + video series on mastering Sublime Text
** Good At Gulp** - an upcoming book + video series I'm working on
Gulp Logo - only 100 of these left!
What The FlexBox - an upcoming video series on FlexBox
Interested? I have enough stickers for about 150 packs. Fill out the form below and I'll throw them in the mail for you. By signing up, I'll send you an email when I launch new video or book tutorials.
**Sorry Folks - I've given them all away. Make sure to follow me on twitter or like my FB page - I'll give away some more once I've got them printed! **
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All my posts are available to edit on Github. Any fix, little or small, is appreciated!