Realtime HTML5 Canvas Drawing with WebSockets, Node.JS &

Realtime HTML5 Canvas Drawing with WebSockets, Node.JS &

Web sockets and Canvas are two really cool features that are currently being implemented into browsers. This tutorial will give you a short rundown of how they both work as well as create a realtime drawing canvas that is powered by Node.js and web sockets. For simplicity's sake, I'll be writing all the code in coffeescript. If you prefer regular 'ol JavaScript, take a look at the corresponding .js files. I've also left out the CSS for the same reason.

Quick Screencast detailing tutorial

Cross Device / Browser compatibility

Server Side

The first thing we need to do is create a web socket server. For this we will be using Node.js and the module makes its super easy to get a web socket server up and running. It even provides a flash fallback for browsers that don't support native web sockets. In this tutorial we will only be working with browsers that support the canvas element.

If you don't have installed yet, make sure you do so by typing npm install into your terminal.

For now, lets just set up the web socket server. Create your file with the following configuration.

io = require('').listen(4000)
io.sockets.on 'connection', (socket) ->

Compile your coffeescript and hop back into your terminal and type node server.js. You now have a web socket server running on port 4000.

Screen Shot 2011 08 12 at 7 35 45 PM

If you go to localhost:4000 you'll see the following:

Screen Shot 2011 08 12 at 7 36 08 PM

Client Side

First, lets quickly get our `index.html` file up and running. In addition to some bare bones markup, I'm also including jQuery, our JS file which is now being served up from our server, a jQuery plugin for drag events, and our own scripts.js file which will hold all the magic.

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.event.drag-2.0.js"></script>
    <script src="http://localhost:4000/"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />

    <title>HTML5 Canvas + Node.JS</title>
    <article><!-- our canvas will be inserted here--></article>

    <!-- Scripts required -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.event.drag-2.0.js"></script>
    <script src="http://localhost:4000/"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts.js"></script>

Now that we have our server up and running, we can write some code which will draw to the canvas. Create a new file called All of the following code happens within the App.init() method which we will trigger on the jQuery document ready.

Create our Canvas Element

# setup our application with its own namespace
App = {}

App.init = ->
    App.canvas = document.createElement 'canvas' #create the canvas element
    App.canvas.height = 400
    App.canvas.width = 800  #size it up
    document.getElementsByTagName('article')[0].appendChild(App.canvas) #append it into the DOM

    App.ctx = App.canvas.getContext("2d") # Store the context

    # set some preferences for our line drawing.
    App.ctx.lineWidth = 5
    App.ctx.lineCap = "round"

    # Draw Function
    App.draw = (x,y,type) ->
        if type is "dragstart"
        else if type is "drag"

Draw to canvas function

Since drawing to canvas involves beginning, moving and closing paths, i've create a short little function that hooks into the jQuery dragstart and drag events.

# Draw Function
App.draw = (x,y,type) ->
    if type is "dragstart"
    else if type is "drag"

Setup our client side web socket

Since we included our file at `http://localhost:4000/` we are able to create an object which we can send our data over. With just a few lines, we create our App.socket object and bind to any incoming web socket events called 'draw'. We will go over this more soon.

# Sockets!
App.socket = io.connect('http://localhost:4000')

App.socket.on 'draw', (data) ->

Canvas Drawing Event

This is where things gets exciting. Now we want to bind a few events to our canvas element. The way this works is when someone draws on the canvas, we immediately use our draw() function to draw to the current canvas as well as send the x and y ordinates over the web socket with's `emit`. In just a bit we will take a look at the server side part of this event and see how the server sends out this data to all open windows.

    Draw Events
$('canvas').live 'drag dragstart dragend', (e) ->
    type = e.handleObj.type
    offset = $(this).offset()

    e.offsetX = e.layerX - offset.left
    e.offsetY = e.layerY -
    x = e.offsetX
    y = e.offsetY
    App.socket.emit('drawClick', { x : x, y : y, type : type})

Jump back to server side

Now that we know we are sending the x, y and type of event over the web socket, we need to do something with that on our server. What we want to do, is take that data and send it back out to everyone else that has a browser open.

Our updated file now looks like this. We first wait for a connection event, then wait for a 'drawClick' event to be sent by a browser. When that happens we take the data and send it out to everyone else with a browser open. THe server side script we wrote earlier will then paint the canvas.

io = require('').listen(4000)

io.sockets.on 'connection', (socket) ->
    socket.on 'drawClick', (data) ->
        socket.broadcast.emit 'draw',{ x : data.x, y : data.y, type: data.type}

You'll now need to restart your web socket server as we have made changes to it. Hit control-c to kill it, and node type node server.js to restart it.

Get Drawing!

One you fully understand how this all works, open your index.html file in any web browser that supports web sockets and canvas (at the time of writing Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and IE9). Check for more support info.


As this is a very basic demo, there are a few limitations which can easily be solved with a little more code. Currently the canvas only supports one person drawing at a time, if two or more are drawing, the canvas will be painted sporadically. Also, there is definitely a lot of room to add tools such as brushes, colours, erasers and PNG export. If there is interest, I'll expand this tutorial series to cover them.

If you're interested in getting this up and running in the real world and off of your localhost, I was able to get mine running on Amazons free micro instance of EC2 although this involves installing Node and NPM all over again. Also note you should run your server on port 80 rather than 4000.

Please feel free to download, hack, complain, fork or contribute to the project on my github account.

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