Toggling comments in Sublime Text is broken and it's time you fix it. If you work with HTML/JavaScript you have probably run into this while using the ⌘ + / comment toggle.
Sublime Text thinks it is JavaScript, so it uses a JavaScript comment! The problem is that the script tag is acutally HTML, so we need to use an HTML comment to comment it out. We want something like this:
<!-- <script src="jquery.js"></script> -->
The underlying problem is inside the HTML syntax file and it is actually an easy fix.
We need to edit the HTML.tmLanguage file that is located in preferences → browse packages → HTML
Open it up and look for a line that looks like the following. It should be around line 286.
Replace it with this:
Save. You should now be able to properly toggle comment out script tags in Sublime Text!
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All my posts are available to edit on Github. Any fix, little or small, is appreciated!